Anticipate without sudden movements

You ride differently in a group compared to riding on your own. If you ride on your own, and there is a puddle or a pot hole on your path, you steer around it. If the road is narrow and you need to make room for an oncoming vehicle, you can quickly move to the side.

If you made these movements just as quickly in a group, there is a fair chance that someone behind you will be surprised. In the worst case, withe a crash as a result. In any case, it makes riding in a group erratic.

botenLook ahead and change slowly
The trick is to look well ahead of you for changes in direction or speed and then execute these changes slowly.

On the open waters, there are differences between large and small boats as to how quickly they can change direction or speed.

As a cyclist, you are on your own more like a speedboat, as a group more like an oil tanker.

In a group, you’ll find yourself riding through rather than around puddles a whole lot more than on your own. Because you don’t want to make it too dangerously for the ones behind you. It’s better to be a bit wet then to be a liability.

Most often, changes in direction are also notified by signaling.
See also Signals

In a group you take much more time for stopping than when riding alone. Of course you signal that you’re stopping.

If you anticipate possible changes, you then have time to change slowly and you will find that the group will maneuver around various obstacles much more fluently. The speed remains higher and you have fewer problems with the ‘accordion’ effect. Also, there’s a lot less screaming and shouting, and your group will ride in a nice kind of flow.
If you’re at the rear of the group, it is easier to anticipate on what’s going to happen by looking forward through the group. Just looking at the rear wheel of the rider in front of you is literally being shortsighted :).

Keeping your line

If you ride in a group, you cannot weave, but “you keep your line”. You make as little lateral movements as possible. That does not come easy for everyone. This sometimes has to do with pedaling technique, sometimes with keeping your concentration.

You can practice cycling in a straight line when there is a white line on the road. You should try to stay on the line. You do not look down at the line directly under your front wheel. You look further down in front of you. And yet, you ride on the white line. Notice how you do that? An interrupted white line, which is sometimes sprayed on the asphalt, is perfect for this. Then you can hear and feel whether you still ride on the line. It  rumbles very nicely then.

Sometimes you want to look backwards. For example, to see if anyone has rejoined after a corner. To still keep your line is difficult. In a group, you can do that safely by putting your hand on the shoulder of your neighbor. This prevents you from deviating from your line. You also know for certain that your neighbor will be looking forward, and warns you in time if you need to brake.

Do practice on your own to look backwards without deviating from your line. You don’t have mirrors on your bicycle, and you don’t want to need them. But then you have to learn to look back, over your shoulder, or under your arm. That is not always easy. But with a little practice it gets better soon.
If you close your eye with which you do not look behind you, you get a better view. Try it. It is rather difficult to quickly close the right eye :). But that’s easy to get used to.

What can happen if you look back and do not keep your line, we see dramatically in the Classica San Sebastian 2018. With a bit of bad luck that the other also deviates from his line and then: boom.


Sometimes you take one hand off of your handle bars. For instance, to grab your water bottle, or give a gesture or signal, for example, if there should be weaved. Some make a small lateral deviation in their riding. That’s because the pressure on the bars has become uneven. To fix that, first transfer the pressure to the hand that remains on the bars. Then you can lift your other hand without disturbing your balance. Some do it unconsciously correct, others need to learn it first before it becomes automatic.

Ride next to the side of the road

Sometimes, the road is just too narrow for your group. Those who can ride right next to the side of the road have an advantage. If you happen to ride at the rear end of an echelon, you have an advantage if you’re right on the edge of the road, as you can still draft a bit. If you were to ride straight behind the rider in front of you, you’d be riding fully exposed to the wind.

stukje berm

Sometimes you’re forced to ride into the shoulder, for instance due to a sudden gust of wind. It is helpful if you are able to remain calm and steer out of the shoulder.

What you don’t practice you will not learn. Learn to ride close to or even in the shoulder. Especially if you’re alone you can practice riding on the shoulder without endangering anyone. If you practice it a couple of times, it wouldn’t scare you anymore if you were forced off the road accidentally.

When you do practice, do make sure that the shoulder is solid. Loose soil kills your speed in an instance, and chances are you’d be sent flying over the handle bars. Do consider the shoulder’s condition when you decide to ride on the edge of the road.

Look in front of you

In a group, you sometimes do things better when you are not too social :-).
Most people look at each other as they talk. In our culture, we are accustomed to that and for many that is the proper way. However, in some situations it is not practical or sensible. For example, in the car. There, the driver should keep his eyes on the road, and not to look at his passenger. In a group ride, cyclists tend to talk a lot, and many look at each other.

Zelfs de profs kijken netjes voor zich wanneer ze 2 aan 2 rijden

Even the pro’s look in front of them when talking to one another

When riding in a group, it is safer to look in front of you,  and not to the one you’re talking to. Talking is done from mouth to ear. The eyes remain focused on the road in front.

Just like when you do not have your hands at the brakes, looking at your neighbor, i.e. not looking at the road, adds a delay to your responses. It may not necessarily lead to an accident, but the behavior of the group as a whole will be much more erratic and your group will ride in a less compact formation.

Talking to your neighbor and still looking at the road is easier said than done. You will have to practice. And coach each other. Especially those who ride behind a pair that look at each other constantly: you kindly interfere. Tell them they need to look forward.

Rubbing shoulders

Shoulder to shoulder, elbow to elbow

If you ride in a compact group, then you will often touch each other. If you are smart you will lean with your shoulder or elbow against one another. That way the two of you are more stable and your handle bars will not interlock.


Not shy away
For some of us, body contact on the bicycle feels awkward, often unconsciously. It feels scary or inappropriate to touch one another. If they ride side by side and come too close to one other, they lean away. Leaning away, however, is dangerous! You may become unbalanced and your handle bars may interlock.

If you touch each other, you can avoid interlocking your handle bars by pushing yourself with elbow and shoulder away from the other, and lean against each other. Try leaning against each other deliberately. And then steer away. Staying close together will help.

Exercise prolonged leaning. Try to relax, you’ll notice that it’s getting easier and your corrections will become smaller and smaller. On a stretch of road, for instance with the straight headwind, you can reduce the combined frontal surface by leaning, and, in one way or another, you’ve become a ‘lateral tandem’. Quite a nice feeling when the two of you become one.

Professional races may be filmed from a helicopter. Especially in the final kilometers on the way to a final sprint you may very well see how much leaning and touching there is, using shoulders, elbows, or with a hand on the back. The term ‘butting’ is coined to this. That word is far too negative for what happens, making sure no accidents happen at a raging pace while fighting for your position. It’s nice to see how this ‘blind rage’ in the legs can go together with a cool head to prevent accidents from happening. Keeping a clear head in all this mayhem is the sign of a true professional.

In the video below you see Matthieu van de Poel putting a hand on Sinkeldam’s back to signal him that he was coming. In full final sprint! Beautiful and competent solved by both riders. There was also no (request for) disqualification or discussion afterwards.


Quite often it is convenient to push. If someone is suffering, you not only offer moral support, but also helps him directly.

In a double echelon, sometimes someone struggles through the wind to take the lead. The next man or woman pushes him quietly to the lead and then immediately takes the lead himself. Pushing also needs to be learned. When pushing, you should not push to the side. Not only will you push the other away from you, but you yourself will deviate the other way. So, you push him or her as much as possible in the middle of the lower back. That way, you form a so-called Russian echelon.

See also: Echelons

Keep your hands at the brakes


handen bij de remmen

If you are in a group ride you often need to brake a bit. Whenever possible, do not brake too hard, because  braking hard will get those riding behind you into trouble very soon because of the ‘accordion’ effect.  If you brake a fraction too late, you are usually able to brake in time, but your brake action will be sharper. As a result, the people behind you will have less time to react. They must in turn then brake even sharper. And so on. Until someone hits the rear wheel of the rider in front of him/her….

handen niet bij de remmen
If everyone keeps his hands on the handle bars, then the corrections needed will be less and the movements of the group as a whole becomes much quieter. That is why you always have to have your hands at the brakes. That saves response time if you need to brake. Useful for yourself and especially to those who ride behind you.

Your reaction time in meters

Suppose you ride with your hands on the bars and something happens in the group. Suppose that it takes you a second to hit your brakes in that position. If you ride at 30 km/h, it means that you only start to brake after 8.33 meter. Pretty late if you riding close behind one another in a group. The difference with a normal response time is soon a few meters.


Technique of breaking

The largest braking force comes from the front brake. If you brake there is much more pressure on the front wheel than on the rear wheel. The front wheel therefore has more friction with the road. So more braking power. The rear wheel has a lot less pressure on the road and slips earlier. By the way, you’d rather have your rear wheel slip than your front wheel. You can do something about a rear wheel slip. Namely: release the brake. Then the bike straightens itself again. A front wheel slip can hardly be repaired. You have to prevent that.
See also Specials: Crashes, the near fall of Fuglsang Crashes

So: You brake when you (still) drive in a straight line, for example before a turn, a lot and hard with the front brake and less with the rear brake. If you need to brake in the corner, do so carefully with the rear brake. Make sure you have the correct brake pads and that the brakes are properly adjusted. In particular, you want to prevent ‘biting’ and getting into the slip.
See also Specials / cycling in mountains: Equipment

Another thing is of course looking and anticipating and therefore having more time to respond.
See also Riding in groups, looking ahead: Anticipating and making changes slowly.



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